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Due to COVID-19, Panels will be temporarily suspended. If you would like to request a speaker or speakers for your class or meeting, please email the Center at [email protected]


The Henderson Springs LGBT Center offers educational panels for the university community. Panels are available upon request for classes, clubs, organizations and residence life. All panels are composed of a group of students who are trained and prepared to share their stories as members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questionning, intersex, and ally communities.

Panels are offered free of charge with the following considerations:

  1. For classroom or residence life presentations, professors or residence life representatives MUST be present throughout the panel.
  2. When requesting a panel, please specify the preferred composition of the panel that you desire. For example, you may request a panel that is a diverse representation of our community or you may request a panel that is exclusively transgender or only gay men, lesbian or bisexual.
  3. Supply information about your classroom such as location of class (building and room number), contact Information (Your name, email, and phone number), class information (how long is the class, what is the class about/called, how many students are in the class?)
  4. We ask that you prepare your students for the panel presentation. Questions directed to the panel should be respectful and geared toward building a better understanding for all involved. Panelists do not come prepared to answer a set list of questions. They arrive ready to serve the needs of your course or group. The panels are most successful when the audience has put some forethought into the presentation and have some questions prepared in advance.

To request please complete the panel request form (you will be required to login with your ASU username and password before accessing the form).